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Our Priorities

All children’s healthcare services strive to provide the best possible care to children & families. There are complex factors at play that influence their efforts day to day. CHA actively helps paediatric services to share innovations, expertise, tools and resources to support their efforts to deliver safe, high quality & equitable care to all children and young people needing their care, and their families.

CHA’s Board and members have identified five strategic priorities that guide all aspects of our work:

Partnering with children, young people & their families

Champion effective strategies for partnering with children, young people & their families in their care in an environment of emerging digital technologies and changing consumer expectations.  This includes a particular commitment to helping member services to listen to and learn from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families in Australia, and Māori children & families in Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Facilitating sharing & learning among peers about excellence & innovation

Accelerate the spread of excellence and innovation through peer networks and communication channels that enable children’s health services to share and learn with each other about what works best.  This includes helping members to share successful projects, models, redesign & technologies with each other & supporting the spread of good ideas & practices that are making a positive difference.

Strengthening the safety & quality of children’s healthcare

Facilitate collaborative approaches to improve the safety and quality of healthcare for children, young people & their families and minimise avoidable harms.  This includes sharing data about safety & quality to identify exemplars services & opportunities for improvement, showcasing successful approaches to safety & quality improvement for the benefit of all children and helping members to collaborate with one another on quality improvement projects with measurable effect on patient outcome.

Enhancing value in children’s healthcare

Facilitate sharing of benchmarking data with a focus on identifying and promulgating best practices approaches to value based healthcare for children & young people. Value based health care includes improving patient experience of care, and health outcomes, as well as enhancing the experience of health care providers (happy staff give the best care) and improving the efficiency of services (good quality care costs less).

Advocating for a healthy sustainable future for children, families and the environment

Enable children’s healthcare services to share practical innovations and strategies related to renewable energy, efficient design, sustainable supplies, & recycling waste. CHA does this in partnership with national and global organisations with expertise in the interactions between climate change and health. This includes helping health services to reduce their own carbon footprint in a bid to protect the future health of our children.
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