Safety Alerts

Keep up to date about paediatric specific safety alerts developed on the back of safety incidents or identified risks.

Why is it a Hot Topic?

To prevent harm to children, the CHA Safety Alerts Forum was created to provide an opportunity for CHA member hospitals to share any paediatric specific alerts they have developed on the back of safety incidents or identified risks.

Recent Conversations

These conversations and presentations are hosted in our online Members Community.
These pages can only be accessed by our members when they are logged into their accounts.

  • Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne Quality and Safety notice following three patients experiencing severe anaphylaxis to Gelfoam (absorbable gelatin compressed sponge) following liver biopsy.
  • Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Medical Devices Safety Update providing cleaning instructions for long-term nasogastric tubes.
  • A TGA alert that Gentamicin Injection USP 10 mg/mL (20mg/2mL) (Teligent OU)

Recent Conversations

These conversations and presentations are hosted in our online Members Community.
These pages can only be accessed by our members when they are logged into their accounts.

  • Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne Quality and Safety notice following three patients experiencing severe anaphylaxis to Gelfoam (absorbable gelatin compressed sponge) following liver biopsy.
  • Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Medical Devices Safety Update providing cleaning instructions for long-term nasogastric tubes.
  • A TGA alert that Gentamicin Injection USP 10 mg/mL (20mg/2mL) (Teligent OU)

It’s easy to join a Hot Topic discussion.

All staff of member hospitals have access to these groups and the resources within.
To join, create a free new account or, if you already have one, login to the Members Community.

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