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Sharing Innovations

CHA members have been sharing innovations in practices and models of care with each other for decades to optimize care and outcomes for children & families. Now these valuable presentations are being captured and published on our members website. The content is searchable and available for viewing or sharing with colleagues.

In the midst of the ongoing challenges associated with the pandemic, it has been inspiring to witness the generosity with which healthcare staff across children’s services reach out to one another through CHA to share ideas, resources & innovations that are making a difference to children & families

Examples of member innovations:
  • Parent-Focused Meal Support Intervention – This model of care (MoC) goes beyond meal supervision by actively equipping parents with the tools to successfully support their child during mealtimes both during admission and following discharge. Under this MoC, 81% of patients had maintained or increased weight 4 weeks post discharge.
  • Patient Focused Booking System – By engaging with parents and caregivers giving them more choice about their appointment date and time, Starship has been able to improve families’ outpatient experiences and reduce rates of non-attendance and rescheduling by 50%.

It’s easy to access these resources.

All staff of member hospitals have access to this network and the resources within.
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