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Hospital Avoidance Innovations

Innovative ideas and models of care that are proving effective in reducing demand for emergency, inpatient and/or outpatient care.

Why is it a Hot Topic?

As demand from children, young people and families for hospital care continues to rise in Australia and New Zealand, so too does the need to find effective ways of helping children to stay as well as possible without requiring admission to hospital.

Recent Conversations

These conversations and presentations are hosted in our online Members Community.
These pages can only be accessed by our members when they are logged into their accounts.

Recent Conversations

These conversations and presentations are hosted in our online Members Community.
These pages can only be accessed by our members when they are logged into their accounts.

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All staff of member hospitals have access to these groups and the resources within.
To join, create a free new account or, if you already have one, login to the Members Community.

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