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Eating Disorders

Supporting patients with eating disorders.

Why is it a Hot Topic?

CHA Benchmarking Data has revealed a significant rise in young people requiring hospital admission for an eating disorder. There is a need to share and collate innovative and effective models of care and resources to support members services to care for these patients.

There is also an Eating Disorders Learning Network which brings together clinicians, researchers, patients and families to support improvements in care and outcomes. To find out more, visit our Learning Networks page.

Recent Conversations

These conversations and presentations are hosted in our online Members Community.
These pages can only be accessed by our members when they are logged into their accounts.

Recent Conversations

These conversations and presentations are hosted in our online Members Community.
These pages can only be accessed by our members when they are logged into their accounts.

It’s easy to join a Hot Topic discussion.

All staff of member hospitals have access to these groups and the resources within.
To join, create a free new account or, if you already have one, login to the Members Community.

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