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COVID-19 Children’s Services

Connect with peers about managing COVID-19 in your service.

Why is it a Hot Topic?

At the start of the pandemic where information was scarce, it became imperative for children’s services to connect with each other regards to COVID19 planning. As Australia and New Zealand begin to transition to a ‘new normal’ in anticipation of widespread vaccinations against COVID-19, the pandemic nevertheless continues to impact on the delivery of paediatric healthcare. CHA continues to support children’s healthcare services across Australia and New Zealand to be able to connect with each other in relation to COVID-19 issues.

Recent Conversations

These conversations and presentations are hosted in our online Members Community.
These pages can only be accessed by our members when they are logged into their accounts.

  • Hospital in the Home – Caring for COVID+ patients
  • COVID-19 preparation & response discussions – metropolitan paediatric units and regional/rural paediatric units

Recent Conversations

These conversations and presentations are hosted in our online Members Community.
These pages can only be accessed by our members when they are logged into their accounts.

  • Hospital in the Home – Caring for COVID+ patients
  • COVID-19 preparation & response discussions – metropolitan paediatric units and regional/rural paediatric units

It’s easy to join a Hot Topic discussion.

All staff of member hospitals have access to these groups and the resources within.
To join, create a free new account or, if you already have one, login to the Members Community.

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