Event Details

Zoom Meeting

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9 April 2024
12:30pm - 1:30pm AEST

9 April 2024
 – 9 April 2024

Zoom Meeting

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9 Apr 2024
12:30pm - 1:30pm

9 April 2024
 – 9 April 2024


Kate Abeckett
Senior Dietitian I John Hunter Children's Hospital
Hunter New England LHD - HNE Kids Health

Event Dates

Date: 9 April 2024
Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm AEST

Date: 9 April 2024 – 9 April 2024


Zoom Meeting

Web Conference,


ARFID - is more than just “picky eating” - Case Study and MoC Discussion

Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Zoom Meeting

Web Conference,



ARFID is a serious eating disorder characterised by restriction, avoidance and aversion to food and eating. The restriction is NOT due to a body image disturbance, but a result of anxiety or phobia of food and/or eating, a heightened sensitivity to sensory aspects of food such as texture, taste or smell, or a lack of interest in food/eating secondary to low appetite. 

Many hospital services do not have a specific MoC or program for ARFID patients. 

This webinar provides an opportunity to gain insight into John Hunter Children’s Hospital 18 ARFID admissions since 2021, which resulted in LOS significantly longer than that of Anorexia Nervosa. 

Our speaker Kate àBeckett, will provide an overview of inpatient management at JHCH and case studies into ARFID patients and their unique challenges for the team at JHCH – with supportive interventions including: nutrition, psychology (cognitive and behavioural strategies), physiotherapy,  and school-based. 

After the presentation we will be discussing ARFID Models of Care, exploring which services have specific protocols for ARFID patients. 

Key Takeaways

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