Event Details

Zoom Meeting

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23 March 2023
12:30pm - 1:30pm AEDT

23 March 2023
 – 23 March 2023

Zoom Meeting

Event Icon

23 Mar 2023
12:30pm - 1:30pm

23 March 2023
 – 23 March 2023


Event Dates

Date: 23 March 2023
Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm AEDT

Date: 23 March 2023 – 23 March 2023


Zoom Meeting

Web Conference,

, Australia

Workforce & Recruitment Challenges and Opportunities

Allied Health

Zoom Meeting

Web Conference,

, Australia


This web conference is really an opportunity to connect with their peers to discuss the Workforce and Recruitment Challenges and Opportunities at their service.

There is not an expectation that anyone has all the answers but by connecting and sharing your challenges and some of the strategies implemented you may not feel so siloed.

There is a health workforce shortage right now which (amongst other challenges) are creating long waiting lists for primary care, increasing pressures on emergency departments, blowing out elective surgery waiting times and so on.

During my research it would appear that Allied health professionals nationally and internationally are experiencing increasing and unrealistic expectations on the allied health workforce combined with declining resources.

This includes Stealth Rationing – not backfilling, increased complexity, growing demand and not enough time to deliver services with the ever present bureaucracy creep (extra documentation, reporting, auditing, compliance).

We will commence with an overview of the growing issues for the Allied Health Workforce in South Australia at Women’s and Children’s Health Network SA.

  • Specialty Paediatric skillset (e.g. Orthotics and prosthetics)
  • State-wide competition for Clinical Psychology (cross government – Education, Mental Health, public and private health)
  • Competition with the pay and work conditions of the private sector (to the level of three times higher)
  • Limited growth in structure and career pathway
  • Allied Health specific Enterprise Agreement – including recognition and comparison with recent Nursing EB

Key Takeaways

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