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Grand Rounds

Grand Rounds in children’s healthcare services have been an important educational activity in many Australian hospitals and continue to feature in many of our member hospitals. Grand Rounds topics are aimed to broaden experiences and understanding of child and adolescent health, regardless of whether they come from a clinical, research, academic or other background.

There are some excellent presentations being shared every week in various children’s hospitals and paediatric units across Australia and New Zealand, but too often they are able to be accessed only by staff of the health service at which the presenter works. 

CHA is proud to be partnering with our members to make the best Grand Rounds presentations about child and adolescent care accessible to a wide audience from across the CHA community of more than 90 children’s hospitals and health services.

Members can access these presentations in our online Members Community.

All staff of member hospitals have access to all resources and presentations in the secure online Members Community.
To join, create a free new account or if you already have one login to the Members Community.

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