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Optimising Wellbeing for Paediatric Healthcare Providers

Skilled, resilient and committed staff are essential to meeting the needs of children & their families. CHA actively supports members to share strategies, tools and resources to help those providing care to children and families do their very best.

Workplace culture, and staff wellbeing are now globally recognised as critical to delivering the best patient care and outcomes.  If staff feel valued, trusted, supported and enabled, if they enjoy their work and workplace, they will provide better care to patients.   

This is equally true for children’s healthcare teams. CHA helps members to access & share a wide range of tools & resources aimed at helping leaders to foster a strong, resilient and positive workplace culture, notwithstanding the pressures of the past few years. 

A wide range of strategies, approaches and tools have been shared by member health services in recent times.  They range from globally renowned training resources like those provided by Evelina Children’s Hospital or Cornell University, to locally developed ideas and innovative approaches that are making a measurable difference to staff resilience and wellbeing.      

Find out more about staff wellbeing strategies in our Staff Mental Health & Wellbeing Hot Topic forum group 
  • In this forum you can also access recordings of the great presentations mentioned above (you must be logged into your account to access this group and presentations).  
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