Patient Reported Experience Measures
The Australian Commission of Safety and Quality has developed a nationally consistent PREM for adults receiving of care in public or private hospitals in Australia.
The Australian Hospital Patient Experience Question Set (AHPEQS). However, there is currently no nationally available tool validated for use for children and young people in the Australian or New Zealand healthcare setting. A Paediatric PREM is important to ensure the voices of children and young people are heard and can be used to evaluate and drive improvement in care. CHA has partnered with the Starlight Children’s Foundation to develop a freely available National Paediatric Patient Reported Experience Measures (pPREMS).
The aim is to develop a small set of questions addressing core patient and family centered care domains which can be used for children from approximately 5 years of age, in either an inpatient, emergency department or outpatient setting. CHA has been supporting a working group of CHA members in progressing this collaborative project.
What Matters to You? Research participation opportunity
For general information on the project, please contact us.