
Welcome to our newest CHA member: West Moreton Hospital & Health Service – Ipswich Hospital

Children’s Healthcare Australasia (CHA) is pleased to announce that West Moreton Hospital & Health Service QLD – Ipswich Hospital has recently joined our membership community.

Ipswich has been a long time, valuable member of our sister organisation, Women’s Healthcare Australasia (WHA) and we warmly welcome them to CHA.

West Moreton Health provides health and wellbeing services to more than 320,000 people across the Somerset, Scenic Rim, Lockyer Valley and Ipswich communities. Its borders stretch to the north of Esk, west of Gatton, east of Ipswich and Springfield, and south of Boonah.

They provide a wide range of preventative and primary healthcare services to meet the needs of their growing community. Including their Children’s Sunshine Ward, mental health, maternity, ambulatory services, acute care and other specialised services. 

More than 90 Paediatric services now belong to the CHA community, representing a community caring for over 76% of children receiving public inpatient care each year.

This depth of membership ensures that our community brings a rich array of expertise and experience to the mutual learning & sharing that occurs through our benchmarking, networking and events – we are thrilled to welcome Ipswich Hospital as they become a valuable member of our community.
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