Event Details

Zoom Meeting

Event Icon

10 May 2023
12:30pm - 1:30pm AEST

10 May 2023
 – 10 May 2023

Zoom Meeting

Event Icon

10 May 2023
12:30pm - 1:30pm

10 May 2023
 – 10 May 2023


Event Dates

Date: 10 May 2023
Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm AEST

Date: 10 May 2023 – 10 May 2023


Zoom Meeting

Web Conference,

, Australia

Workforce Challenges and Nursing Staff Wellbeing

Directors of Nursing - Paediatric Services

Zoom Meeting

Web Conference,

, Australia


This web conference is an opportunity for the CHA Directors of Nursing to connect with their peers to discuss workforce challenges at their service.

Given the compounding challenges experienced by Directors of Nursing across the nation, CHA has arranged this web conference as a networking opportunity for you to connect and share your challenges, achievements and strategies to reduce the impact of staff losses, burn-out and low morale.  

It appears Directors of Nursing, nationally and internationally, are experiencing increasing expectations of the nursing workforce combined with declining resources. This includes stealth rationing – not backfilling, increased complexity of patient care, growing demand and insufficient time for service delivery with the ever-present bureaucracy creep (extra documentation, reporting, auditing, compliance etc).

During this web conference we will:

  • commence with introductions
  • discuss workforce issues such as experienced staff losses, and the practical and effective supervision of an inexperienced workforce
  • review successful nursing workforce innovations and systems of allocation to support a new workforce – challenges and triumphs with tried-and-tested strategies
  • and open the floor for discussion around nursing staff wellbeing and supportive initiatives to promote better staff health

Please join us for an hour of networking investment: an opportunity to share with peers; to listen; and to take home ideas to implement improvements at your service.

Key Takeaways

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